Find Joy in the Ordinary

21 Jan, 2021
Insightful Blogs

“The secret to life is finding the joy in ordinary things”– Ruth Reichl

As the pandemic continues to hinder the normality of our daily lives, with shows being postponed and corporate anxieties the ability to stay motivated and positive can become a challenge. Being confined to our houses – working, sleeping and eating in the same space – can become mentally draining, leaving us feeling lethargic and sluggish. Spending endless hours scrolling through social media and watching Netflix series, waiting for a return to some form of normality.

The 21st century is the ‘always-on’ era, the evolution of digital technology has changed the way we interact and behave with things around us. The influence of technology has given users the ability to connect and engage in an instant, from social media to parcel deliveries -we don’t switch off. Whilst the events of the last year have hugely benefited from this technology, allowing us to keep in touch with family and friends, share snapshots of our lives and bring virtual brand experiences and entertainment, as with everything it comes with negativity.

Generations of today have become masters in the art of comparison. The human brain is always programmed to be negatively biased, focusing on what’s wrong instead of what’s right. The addition of the technology and internet into our daily lives means we can’t escape the habit of comparing ourselves to those around us. It has accelerated the human need to strive and yearn for something bigger and better under the illusion that once we get there, we will be truly happy.

However, the global lockdown in March 2020 forced life to be on pause. It gave us the opportunity to shut off, slow down, reflect and re-evaluate. Even though it was challenging at times, it taught us to be kinder to ourselves and appreciate the simplicity of life, just as it is, without pressure.

“The unexpected joy of the ordinary”, a book by bestselling author Catherine Gray, dictates the need to enjoy the basic things in life, straying away from human instinct and teaching yourself to be content and happy with what we have and what we do every day. With our daily lives being so dramatically different to what we were used to, ‘finding the joy in the ordinary’ is perhaps more valuable than ever.

Gray’s book highlights the need to be ‘default happy’ and not ‘default disgruntled’. Defying the way we’re told that happiness is in the “extraordinary” when in reality we can find it all around. If Lockdown is becoming a little tedious, take joy in everyday pleasures:

  • – Escaping the screen – explore what’s around you, go for a walk or run or even a cycle.
  • – Ring a friend – you never know, they might be feeling the same too.
  • – The sunrise/sunset.
  • – Telling someone their mic is off on a call.
  • – The weekly supermarket trips.
  • – A good cup of tea.
  • – Cleaning the house.
  • – Cooking something new.
  • – Finishing a day’s work.
  • – Actually, getting out of bed.


When the world begins to reopen once again, will the things we’ve learnt since the pandemic began stay with us in the future? Will the simplistic things become more pleasurable and memorable? Or will we be jumping to return to go out to festivals and events once again? Until we can have the ability to look forward to the buzz of the show floor or the excitement of going on holiday, find a life balance and support your own wellbeing.