The Dassault Systèmes Virtual Experience

12 Aug, 2020
Technology | Work

Last month we had the honour of delivering a major virtual event for leading 3DEXPERIENCE company Dassault Systèmes, connecting them with audiences from across the globe. With industry events being cancelled, over the past 6 months, we accelerated the development of our innovative Exhibition 3.0 event concept – a toolkit of digital technology enabling a new generation of virtual experiences built on real-world environments. So, after a month of detailed planning and observing the new travel regulations, our team of 8 event experts safely arrived at Dassault Systèmes HQ in Paris for the launch of their fully personalised virtual event. All staff members showed no signs of Covid-19 prior to travelling to Paris, practised social distancing and wore face masks throughout their stay in Velizy.

We designed the event as an alternative to this year’s Farnborough International Airshow, with a combination of keynote presentations integrated with AR capabilities, expert sessions and online meeting rooms in a fully customised live TV studio. Centred around Dassault Systèmes’ latest brand concepts and activations- audiences could access the live streams, interact with speakers, explore various digital options, Q&A sessions and revisit stored content on a secure server with no delay due to our new live streaming technology. Delegates registered for the event through a branded online portal where they booked into meeting slots and online sessions in advance to ensure maximum results from the event. The experts hosted a total of 29 sessions of both 1 to 1 and 1 to many of their clients and prospects without losing the all-important human interaction.

The Augmented Reality integration into their presentations added an inventive and flawless finish to the event with their latest technology and innovations being revealed in a 3D virtual capacity.

A series of additional meetings were held alongside the virtual sessions, enabling Dassault Systèmes to communicate and cement relationships with clients and potential clients over the 4-day event. Their custom-built communication platform meant delegates were absorbed into the branded experience at every point of the event journey even video calls. Private chat rooms were also available to continue conversations, just as you would over coffee at a physical event stand.

Every element of Dassault Systèmes’ virtual event was tracked and incorporated into a finalised analytics dashboard, calculating the number of client connections with the event as well as time spent per session, how many sessions attended, etc – allowing Dassault Systèmes to reach out to leads and clients post-event with follow up emails and information. Each session was then available through an online portal post-event for those audience members that couldn’t attend the live session.

Our Exhibition 3.0 concept is suitable for a wide cross-section of applications, from full-scale events for large audiences of 500+ to specialist training solutions designed to overcome social distancing challenges.  If you would like to know more information about our virtual event concept or see how we can help your company with your virtual event, please get in touch here.