Unraveling the Wonders of the Las Vegas Sphere

Unraveling the Wonders of the Las Vegas Sphere

If you haven’t seen it on social media this past month, the Las Vegas strip has gained a new addition to its legacy with a ground-breaking immersive experience venue known as ‘The Sphere’. The new music and entertainment arena opened its doors at the end of September...

2022 Year in Review

2022 bought events back with a bang. We entered this year with some promise of growth in show numbers compared to 2021, but we never expected to deliver 114 projects, across 60 shows, in 6 continents across the globe. Along the way, we recruited new team members,...
Summer Round Up 2022

Summer Round Up 2022

Putting the temperatures to one side, what a summer season we’ve had!  It has contained something of everything including a return to two of the world’s biggest international airshows in July – the Farnborough International Airshow and EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh. On...

The Big One at Farnborough International Airshow

5 stands, 4 chalets, 1 epic week. After a long 4-year wait, last week we took 10 of our top clients to the international aviation stage at the 52ndFarnborough International Airshow (FIA). This landmark event in our show calendar returns bi-annually to the Farnborough...